First of all, here's this week's photo. It is actually a super-close up picture of a dead weed. This week I got a package in the mail with my extension tubes.

Allow me to explain for the non-photo nerds. These are basically plastic rings of different sizes that allow you to get super close macro-type shots. You can use them together, or one at a time in any combo that you wish. Basically, you attach them to your camera and then attach the lens to the tubes. Everything you see in the camera is super blurry until you get very close to something.
Here's a test I did combining different tubes:

This is using the smallest tube. It's a newspaper article. The really difficult thing about using these is you lose some light, so getting the correct exposure is more tricky. Focusing is also very hard!

Here's combining 2 of them together. Ironically, I focused on the word "small." I decided to try some shots with things around the house.

Here's my African violet. It's suffering this winter as you can see. The flowers are dead, but what I wanted to show is this is how close I am able to get with my 50 mm lens alone. Any closer, and I can't take a picture.

Put on 31mm + 13mm tubes, and here's how close I can get. Cool huh?

Fuzzy leaves


Dead cherry

Leaf buds on the tree

Ice on the deck.
I hope I didn't get too dorky for you here, but I think the tubes are pretty cool. I should have some great flower shots come spring!