Well it's the final week of the blog. No I did not make it all the way through the year, but I sure gave it a good try. I had planned all year on doing a self-portrait for the last week because they are really challenging. It's extremely hard to get yourself in front of the camera, both logistically and self-consciously. I'm about 2 weeks away from the beginning of pregnancy fat face, so it was now or never.
I don't have a remote for camera either, so I have to set a timer then run and get into position...not so fun. My trusty assistant also wanted in on the fun, so there's some of him too. I couldn't get him to stop taking pictures...

Thanks to everyone who has been following and commenting on the blog through the year. I really appreciate the feedback. I am going to keep it going through next year, although I doubt I will be posting every single week. Keep checking for updates.
lovely! I keep meaning to get one of those timers myself. Riz introduced me to them last year and they're so neat!