I was sitting out on the deck the other night after getting the kids both to bed (which is a monumental effort some days) and the sun was just about to set. I saw this spider web in the lattice on the deck and had about 2 minutes to catch it before the light went away. I am really not a fan of spiders but the webs are pretty cool.
Life with 2 kiddos is exhausting and sweet at the same time. I haven't had any time to do photo projects of course, so I've been trying to catch some sweet moments with the kids when I can grab the camera. Most of the time it's my iPhone, but I've been trying to be better about taking out the good one.
Oh and yes I do dress them sometimes...it's just been a really hot summer with no AC!
This is my beautiful baby girl Kelsey. She was born on May 27th (yest I am way behind on blogging for obvious reasons. It was so much fun to take photos of my own newborn, although I wish I had time to take more. They grow up way too fast!
Of course big brother had to get in on the action too!