Oh I wish you could freeze moments in time. Kelsey all of a sudden this weekend seemed to change. She's so much more interactive, laughing and playing. I took the opportunity of some beautiful afternoon light to take some cute pics of her playing with her feet. I took similar photos of Owen with the old point and shoot at the same age and wanted to compare.
I'll post his last...
Here's Owen at the same age-
I had the pleasure of photographing my friend Gretchen and her family a few weeks ago. They are expecting a new baby very soon. This was a funny shoot, as some too-friendly ducks kept getting into the shots. That was a first for me-chasing away crazy ducks.
Can't wait to see the new baby Gretchen!
I was visiting my grandparents recently and they have this suction cup hummingbird feeder on their window that was awesome. I brought my camera and was trying to get the little guys. They would only come to it if I was inside the house of course so I had to shoot through the window, which also meant manual focus. Try to MF with a fast hummingbird! I could only get it when it landed, but it was still pretty cool
I was sitting out on the deck the other night after getting the kids both to bed (which is a monumental effort some days) and the sun was just about to set. I saw this spider web in the lattice on the deck and had about 2 minutes to catch it before the light went away. I am really not a fan of spiders but the webs are pretty cool.
Life with 2 kiddos is exhausting and sweet at the same time. I haven't had any time to do photo projects of course, so I've been trying to catch some sweet moments with the kids when I can grab the camera. Most of the time it's my iPhone, but I've been trying to be better about taking out the good one.
Oh and yes I do dress them sometimes...it's just been a really hot summer with no AC!
This is my beautiful baby girl Kelsey. She was born on May 27th (yest I am way behind on blogging for obvious reasons. It was so much fun to take photos of my own newborn, although I wish I had time to take more. They grow up way too fast!
Of course big brother had to get in on the action too!
I haven't posted in forever. I'm literally waiting for the baby to come...any time now. Owen and I were playing outside the other night before bed and this butterfly landed on our fence. I like that the fence needs paint in this photo. I think it adds more texture. These butterflies don't normally make it up this far north, but due to the warm spring have found their way up here.
Me at 32 weeks! Baby is coming so soon. I tried for some dramatic lighting with a strobe flash. It didn't quite work out the way I wanted but I'm still happy with the photo.
Isn't this little guy just adorable? I went to Horseheads last weekend to do this photoshoot with friends Stacy and Ryan (and of course to visit the family!) He was an angel for us and slept through most of the crazy poses I was making him do. Mom made this adorable hat which came in handy too-thanks Mom!
Here's some more-