Thursday, March 15, 2012

Baby Paxton

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Isn't this little guy just adorable? I went to Horseheads last weekend to do this photoshoot with friends Stacy and Ryan (and of course to visit the family!) He was an angel for us and slept through most of the crazy poses I was making him do. Mom made this adorable hat which came in handy too-thanks Mom!
Here's some more-
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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ryan James

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Remember these people? It was a good thing we got in that maternity session because this little guy was ready to join us shortly afterward. Meet Ryan James, the cutest little peanut ever. He wasn't even quite 6 lbs when we did this photoshoot last weekend, but he was a supermodel. Probably the easiest newborn I have shot so far. Here's some more of this cutie.
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